Companions for Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal (CARON), is the only organization in Nepal dedicated for conservation of Herpetofauna (Amphibians and Reptiles) with vision 'conservation of herps through scientific research and advocacy'. The organization aims to materialize the very efforts for ensured survival of Herpetofauna in concerted efforts through science, policy and action. The researchers have deep interests in herpetology and share knowledge from diverse fields of biodiversity conservation ranging from expertise in field biology to GIS and statistical analyses. The diverse knowledge of the personalities involved in the project is expected to bring out the targeted outcomes to forefront in conservation planning and overall science of herpetology.
1. Documentation of herpetofauna of Nepal
2. Cooperation with different stakes of society to disseminate information regarding the status and immediate needs for the conservation of herpetofauna and their habitats
3. Turtle conservation works in low lands of Nepal
CARON published turtle conservation leaflets and poster in partnership with other stakeholders.
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